Tänää ku käytii iskän kans prismas nii nähtii R. Ja sen vanhemmat. Siis me oltii menossa buffaa syömää enkä huomannu R'ää, mut se huomas mut ja tuli tökkää mua olkapäähä. Se sano moi ja sit lähti takas vanhempiensa luo. Mulla meni hetki ymmärtää et se oli R. Sit ku älysin kunnol nii lähin sen perää. Sit ku R näki et olin tulossa sen luo nii se lähti mua vastaa ja sit otin pienii juoksu askelii. Halasin sitä sit. Aika pitkää. Itkin. Iskä sano et R'n äiti melkee itki kans. Halauksen aikana tuntu hieman et ehkä vois palata yhtee, mut sitku juteltii nii se oli niin kiusallista, et se ajatus lähti pois mielestä.
Tää oli eka kerta ku tapasin R'n eron jälkee.
When we went to a mall with my dad we saw R and his parents. We were going to a restaurant. I didn't see R but he saw me and he came to poked me on my shoulder and said hi. After that he left. It took me a moment to realize that it was R. When I understood it I went after him. When R noticed that I was walking towards him, he began to walk towards me. I ran a bit. Then I hugged him, it was long hug. I cried. My dad said that R's mother almost cried too. During the hug I felt that maybe we could be together again, but after the hug when we talked, it was so awkward that the thought left my head.
This was the first time I saw R after our break up.
Tää oli eka kerta ku tapasin R'n eron jälkee.
When we went to a mall with my dad we saw R and his parents. We were going to a restaurant. I didn't see R but he saw me and he came to poked me on my shoulder and said hi. After that he left. It took me a moment to realize that it was R. When I understood it I went after him. When R noticed that I was walking towards him, he began to walk towards me. I ran a bit. Then I hugged him, it was long hug. I cried. My dad said that R's mother almost cried too. During the hug I felt that maybe we could be together again, but after the hug when we talked, it was so awkward that the thought left my head.
This was the first time I saw R after our break up.
Voimia kovasti. :)
voimii ja halei<3
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