Kävin eilen terveysasemalla terveydenhoitajan luona korvien takii, ku niihi sattu. Sain tietää et vasemmas korvas on korvatulehdus ja et oikeassa korvassa on alipainetta ja ehkä korvatulehdus.
Tänää mun piti sit mennä kouluu, mut oon vielki kipee joten en voinu mennä. Menin kuitenki kattoo et onks terkkari paikalla, jos se antais mulle lisää sairaslomaa mut kaikki terkkarit oli kipeenä. Joten mulle varattii aika saman terkkarin luo mis kävin eilen. Se sit anto mulle loppu viikon sairaslomaa. Ja ku ens viikko on hiihtoloma/talviloma nii on ihme jos en sen aikana parane.
Nii ja se on kyl niin ihanaa ku mä en maista enkä haista mitää... Eilenki söin vaa poppareita vaik en maistanu mitää..
Ei mul oikee ollu mitää kunnon asiaa, aattelin vaa et vois kirjoittaa jotai ku edellisest postauksest on vähä aikaa.
Yesterday I went to a health center to see a nurse because of my ears, they hurt so much. The nurse told me that I have ear infection in my left ear and maybe in right ear too.
Today I was supposed to go to school but I'm still sick so I couldn't go. But I went to see if there was a nurse who could write me more "sick leave" but all the nurses were sick too. So we scheduled a time for nurse, the same one I saw yesterday. She wrote me sick leave for rest of this week. And because next week is winter break/winter vacation it'd be weird if I wasn't sick when it ends.
And it's so lovely when I don't taste or smell anything. Yesterday I just ate popcorn even though I couldn't taste them.
I didn't have really anything important to say, I just thought I could write something because it has been a while since I wrote here. I think.
Tänää mun piti sit mennä kouluu, mut oon vielki kipee joten en voinu mennä. Menin kuitenki kattoo et onks terkkari paikalla, jos se antais mulle lisää sairaslomaa mut kaikki terkkarit oli kipeenä. Joten mulle varattii aika saman terkkarin luo mis kävin eilen. Se sit anto mulle loppu viikon sairaslomaa. Ja ku ens viikko on hiihtoloma/talviloma nii on ihme jos en sen aikana parane.
Nii ja se on kyl niin ihanaa ku mä en maista enkä haista mitää... Eilenki söin vaa poppareita vaik en maistanu mitää..
Ei mul oikee ollu mitää kunnon asiaa, aattelin vaa et vois kirjoittaa jotai ku edellisest postauksest on vähä aikaa.
Yesterday I went to a health center to see a nurse because of my ears, they hurt so much. The nurse told me that I have ear infection in my left ear and maybe in right ear too.
Today I was supposed to go to school but I'm still sick so I couldn't go. But I went to see if there was a nurse who could write me more "sick leave" but all the nurses were sick too. So we scheduled a time for nurse, the same one I saw yesterday. She wrote me sick leave for rest of this week. And because next week is winter break/winter vacation it'd be weird if I wasn't sick when it ends.
And it's so lovely when I don't taste or smell anything. Yesterday I just ate popcorn even though I couldn't taste them.
I didn't have really anything important to say, I just thought I could write something because it has been a while since I wrote here. I think.
parane piaan :D <3