halu joutua sairaalaan part 2
Eilen yritin ottaa yliannostusta. En olis pystyny nielee kaikkii niit pillereit samal kertaa joten päätin ottaa ne muutamalla eri kerralla. Ekan nielaisun jälkeen heti kaduin päätöstäni ja laitoin loput lääkkeet takaisin kaappiin. Eli en saanut otettuu lähellekkään vaarallista määrää niitä lääkkeitä. Määrä oli 100-200 mg enemmän kuin mitä yleensä otan sitä lääkettä. Pahoinvointi ja sydämen tykytys tulivat ja menin jo kahdeksan aikaan nukkumaan. Välillä pelästyin kun en tuntenut pulssiani joten koitin aina ranteesta tai kaulalta pulssin. Yritin nukkua yli tunnin ja lopulta sain unen päästä kiinni. Aamulla heräsin. Onneksi. En halunnut kuolla.
Yesterday I tried to overdose. I couldn't swallow all the pills at the same time so I decided to take them in few takes. After first swallow I already regretted my decision and put the rest of the meds back to the closet. So I hadn't taken even near to dangerous amount of those meds. It was only 100-200mg more than what I usually take. The nausea and palpitation still came so I went to bed at 8pm. Sometimes I got scared because I didn't feel my pulse so I had to test it on my wrist or my neck. I tried to sleep over an hour and finally I fell asleep. In the morning I woke up. Fortunately. I didn't want to die.
Yesterday I tried to overdose. I couldn't swallow all the pills at the same time so I decided to take them in few takes. After first swallow I already regretted my decision and put the rest of the meds back to the closet. So I hadn't taken even near to dangerous amount of those meds. It was only 100-200mg more than what I usually take. The nausea and palpitation still came so I went to bed at 8pm. Sometimes I got scared because I didn't feel my pulse so I had to test it on my wrist or my neck. I tried to sleep over an hour and finally I fell asleep. In the morning I woke up. Fortunately. I didn't want to die.
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